Delivery Confirmation & Tracking Numbers:

Not all shipping methods offer package tracking during shipment, so you should confirm on our Shipping Methods & Rates page that your selected method offers package tracking. When reviewing your tracking information, remember that all Orders are shipped from our facility near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

UPS Tracking numbers:

UPS assigns Tracking numbers at the time of shipment, but packages cannot be tracked through the UPS website until 6pm ET on the day they are picked up from our facility. A UPS Tracking number will give you information including the time and date of every location your package passes through.

USPS Delivery Confirmation numbers:

The USPS only offers Delivery Confirmation for their shipments. Delivery Confirmation will show intermittent location scans, but most importantly a Delivery Confirmation scan. Delivery Confirmation will NOT provide information about every location your package passes through but there may be instances when a few locations are noted.

How to Locate your Package Tracking Information:

  1. Click the 'Your Account' link in the upper right hand corner of all our pages.
  2. Select the Order History tab in the left nav bar.
  3. Click 'View' next to the Order you wish to check on. You will be able to view the complete information for that Order.
  4. The Tracking/Delivery Confirmation number will be listed in the 'Tracking' section just below the list of products on the Order.
  5. Note: Both Tracking and Delivery Confirmation numbers will be listed as the 'Tracking number'.
  6. Click on the Tracking number of your package.
      Depending on your Shipping Method:
    • UPS Shipments - A page will open with all the details of your Package, including its location during all stages of shipment.
    • USPS Shipments - The USPS Track and Confirm contains the details of when your package shipped, locations scanned, and a delivery date and time.

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